We Have a Permanent Solution for You

If you have lived with vision impairments your whole life, you are more than familiar with the everyday frustrations of keeping your lenses clean, annual expenses for new frames, why you can’t buy just any sunglasses at the store, or the annoyance of wearing glasses while exercising. You’re not alone. We hear you, and we have the answer.

If you have only recently started suffering from recurring headaches or notice increasingly blurred vision, consider your options before you write a $500 check for trendy frames and prescription lenses. It is worth your time to explore our services at Terre Haute Lasik in order to make an informed decision about the long-term health and care for your eyes.

Lasik is one of the best gifts you could ever give to yourself. It is a permanent solution to perpetual headaches, blurry vision, and steep expenses in contacts, frames, and prescription lenses. Your answer couldn’t be more crystal clear. Lasik.

Section One

Lasik which stands for “Laser in Situ Keratomileusis”, is a laser that is used right under a corneal flap to redesign your cornea. This technique uses a specialized laser that is made to improve vision, and the need to cut back your use of dealing with contact lenses or glasses. This treatment modifies the shape of the cornea, so your eye’s vision will be sharper.

This newest iteration of laser eye surgery if you are nearsighted uses a very exact laser to create a disk-shaped piece of tissue inside the cornea that can be removed through a small cut without the use to need a flap.

With high-tech technology improving every year, there are many options available. Most people today who decide to go for laser Lasik eye surgery gain the ability for their corrective vision to be about 20/20 which is a lifesaver for you. However, many people may still need to wear glasses when you get older.

Many types of lasers are used. All Lasik surgeries are done with an excimer laser, so it will always serve in one procedure. There are a variety of different laser manufacturers that include Alcon, Visx, Wavelight, Nidek, and Bausch & Lomb. With all these exams, there is always one to fit your needs, to keep your eyes looking and feeling great. Explore and discuss all your needs by your doctor first so you will never be misinformed.

In case you were worried, rest assured you will not need any stitches or bandages, and you will not need to use glasses or contacts as much, or at all, after surgery. Having the decision to get one can be challenging but when you decide to go for it, your eyesight will change for the better, forever. Decisions in life can be difficult, but when it comes to surgery for Lasik, your eyes will be more than happy to be in top condition.

The good news is that Lasik can give you a strong regain of your vision after recovery.

Lasik surgery has proved to be extremely successful. It is extremely rare to suffer vision damage or loss after the surgery. Most people are pleased with the results for many many years. Whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, this surgery will be highly successful.

Section Two

Concern about blinking during eye surgery is a valid and normal concern. Blinking is such a regular thing our bodies do, we rarely think about what if we couldn’t blink. Don’t worry. Lasik is painless and quick, you won’t even know the difference.

Lasik surgery uses a high-tech system that measures and tracks the location of your eye very rapidly, over a hundred times per second, which will make the job fast and easy. This surgery stays on track at the same rate to make sure your eye is always perfectly in alignment with where it needs to be. When your eye wants to blink at a fast rate, the laser will mechanically turn itself off once your eye stops blinking.

Special eye drops will help keep your eyes numb before the procedure begins to make sure the movement in your eye during surgery is minimal to none. During the surgery, the eyelids are held wide open to prevent blinking with a special small machine. It will keep your eyes very hard to blink or close during surgery. Your surgeon will tell you to relax in a way where you will not feel jumpy or nervous during the whole time. Your eyes will not become dry at all because your surgeon will place the surface of your eye with drops oiled without the urge to blink. The good news is that Lasik usually is with the timeframe of only several minutes. Getting a Lasik procedure creates healthier visual satisfaction that can make your life better.

To determine if you are a qualified candidate for Lasik, you first must consult with your eye doctor. They will then will calculate your entire cornea, to check for any issues that might include hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, and any other eye sensitivities. A thorough evaluation is strongly recommended to check if your eyes are dry or if you are in danger of getting dry eyes that might complicate the procedure. Qualifications include at least eighteen years of age, not pregnant or nursing, no kind of autoimmune disease, and have no history of glaucoma, or chronic dry eye to be a frontrunner.

Wavefront-optimized Lasik is the type of laser eye surgery that is based on your prescription glasses. It uses laser energy that goes into the cornea and addresses problems with vision at night, halos, and glare.

The Wavefront-optimized Lasik is the most advanced surgery currently on the market. This treatment helps maintain the natural shape of the cornea after your treatment is completed. Any glare or haziness will disappear. Since its introduction, Lasik is responsible for assisting visual impairments related to light sensitivity.

Section Three

The Photorefractive keratectomy procedure removes the outer surface layer of the cornea and uses a laser to reconstruct the cornea into a new curve that fits the prescription to your eye.

To correct Nearsightedness (myopia)

To correct Farshightness (hyperopia)

To correct Astigmatism where both near and far objects are blurred.

To correct vision impairments including blurred or glossy eyesight.

Immediately after surgery, you may experience some discomfort or pain which can be taken care of with a mild medication such as aspirin or Tylenol. Don’t worry, soreness is completely normal.

Both your eyes may tear up or water. Your vision will probably be hazy or blurry for a little while. You will want to rub your eyes but do your best to resist the urge. You could potentially damage your cornea.

Within 24 to 48 hours after surgery, revisit your doctor for a checkup and assessment to ensure everything looks good. Be prepared to stay home from work for about 3 to 4 days post-surgery to recover properly. Women, in particular, may need to wait up to 2 weeks to resume using lotions or make-up.

In most states, any doctor who is a licensed ophthalmologist can do Lasik procedures. In general, what you are looking for is a board-certified ophthalmologist, one who has been through a long residency under another laser surgeon and who’s peer determine he or she qualifies for board certification. It is worth your time to find the right eye surgeon for you.

Section Four

Recommended questions include:

How many procedures have you done?

What has been your complication rate?

Where do you perform your surgeries?

What are your outcomes and how do they compare to national statistics?

Has there ever been a serious outbreak of eye disease in your center? Why?

What is your follow-up procedure if a complication develops?

How detailed will your billing be? Will it cover all procedures?

Where can I find plenty of reviews about your services?

No. You cannot go blind by undergoing Lasik surgery. In the 25 years since Lasik was approved, there has not been a single case of blindness.

What can happen though, is that the best corrective point were glasses help with defects can be adjusted downward on occasion. But it’s very rare.

In general, Lasik is recommended for patients in their 20s to early 40s due to the state of health in the cornea prior to aging. However, ophthalmologists have had great results from patients in their 60s. 

Yes. Although sometimes you have to ask. Eye surgeons sometimes offer $500 to $1,000 off.

If you are looking for a deal on Lasik, proceed with caution. An advertisement posted for a $395 Lasik procedure might seem too good to be true. Deals that low are either a total scam, or 8 times out of 10 there will be hidden add-ons that will cost you thousands.

Section Five

Lasik is competitive. Most Lasik doctors charge what they consider a fair price for their expertise. An ophthalmologist will spend 5 years minimum in residency after completing their medical training. Most spend two additional years or more practicing and perfecting their skills.

Good ophthalmologists have plenty of patients coming through the door throughout the year, and they charge a fair price.

During the actual procedure, you may experience a few moments of brief discomfort, but in general, the procedure is as painless as possible. Afterward, you maybe given mild prescriptions to ensure your eye bounces back to normal, without infection or complications.

Lasik surgery typically takes 15 to 30 minutes at the most during the actual procedure. But plan for an additional 30 to 45 minutes of preparation time. 

Although the first few days you will feel slight soreness or discomfort, you will see the effects of corrected vision almost immediately. Prepare to use plenty of eyedrops to avoid over-dryness. Alert your doctor if you experience severe headaches, excessive blurred vision, or blindness. Extreme symptoms are not normal.

Section Six

You can usually return to normal work and activity within 24 hours, although it is recommended to take a couple of days off for full and proper recovery. For at least a week post-surgery, it is strongly advised to avoid wearing make-up or use products on or around your face to prevent infection.

Light non-contact sports can typically be resumed after one to three days. But it is recommended avoid strenuous, full-contact sports for a full month.

This one may shock your ophthalmologist but a surprising number will say yes if they have sufficient room to accommodate your observation.

After your surgery it is strongly advised to revisit your doctor to ensure your eyes are in strong, healthy condition. Schedule your appointment no less than three days after surgery, then again at 30, 60, and 90 days to stay on top of progress. 

This should be something your doctors office will provide you, but you will have a full week minimum before your surgery to read through all provided materials and examine all the details.